It is that time of year again for New Year's resolutions.
As you think about the lifestyle changes you'd like to make this year, be sure to make them attainable. Consider starting with a step that is so small, you know you can do it, then slowly increase your efforts. It is better to set several smaller goals that you are able to achieve. Reaching each of these will be encouraging and a good marker for progress. Avoid single overly challenging goals that might discourage you if not reached.
Great popular health goals include- maintain a healthy weight throughout life, adopt a physically active lifestyle, and eat a healthy diet with an emphasis on plant sources.
Approximately one-third of the cancer deaths that occur in the U.S. are attributed to poor nutrition, physical inactivity, being overweight and obesity, according to the American Cancer Society.

For more, read my article Small Changes now...
Remember, success with smaller goals can greatly improve your ability to take charge of the larger ones.
“Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little." - Edmund Burke
Take a small step today!
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