
Monday, January 3, 2022

Shoreline Planting & Stabilization

 This project was challenging, but sometimes...

the challenging ones can be the most fun!

Backyard - before

Lake edge - before

After clearing the existing vegetation (which had grown in a bit more since these pics), we went to work building in the ledge features and mainframe supporting boulders.  

With the yard slope, and not wanting to damage the fresh sod, we opted for wheel barrowing the boulders down from the front.  This really beat up our wheel barrows and with some new helpers, we got to go boulder fishing...

Not Noodlin' just recovering boulders after a tippy wheelbarrow incident

The steep bank and rapid drop off at the waters edge made it hard to get a secure footing for the lowest boulder edges.  After leveling a space, we planted Soft Rush, with Arrowhead accents, to secure the bottom at the waters edge.

A mix of mulching the stepped areas, and adding rock to the waters edge and traffic areas, gave us a more natural look as well as future functioning per the plan.

Local wildlife giving us an ins-s-s-spection, a
massive snapping turtle checked in often, too.

I really like the way this project turned out, and the selection of native plants will continue to fill in and protect the bank from erosion, by both wave action and runoff.  The plant palette was narrowed a bit to keep it looking less weedy, but we still kept enough variety for season long color, diversity and ecological benefits.

closeups of detail

After planting view from "Across the Pond"

I can't wait for it to fill in and start blooming.  The neighbors on the other shore said that they will get to enjoy it just as much as the homeowners will!

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