
Thursday, March 19, 2020

Spring 2020 Update

It's the first day of Spring, but unfortunately the Corona pandemic is upon us, and the precautions are in full force.  Social distancing is the norm to protect our vulnerable.

As "People Care" is one of the three Permaculture Ethics we at Abundant Design take these precautions seriously to protect our customers, neighbors and families.

Thankfully though, our work providing edible & sustainable landscapes, promoting resilient families & communities, and protecting our soil & water resources can continue.
  • Client meetings can still occur as we use social distancing and typically walk & talk outside
If for any reason you would prefer us to wear a mask for your protection, please ask

  • Design work is still ongoing, with correspondence and review via email
  • Site observations, measurements and soils investigations can continue on site without customer contact
  • Project work is outside as well, with very limited interaction with others

Take time to enjoy each others company with family mealtimes, games, walks and more.  Get outside for some Vitamin N(ature) too.  Fresh air and sunshine is one of the best things you can do for yourself.

Use technology to maintain community, phone calls, video chats or even an old fashioned letter helps people stay connected.

We can also learn many things during this time. Take inventory of your lifestyle, and look for ways to be better prepared for the next outbreak, tornado and flooding season or neighborhood & regional power outages.

I wish you and your families the best!